Wednesday, July 15

Expectations & Putting Pressure on Yourself

Hello everyone!

Where I live we are about to receive our report cards. Which makes me nervous. Not very nervous, because I am a hard working student and i receive good or very good grades most of the time, but nervous all the same. It's not that my parents put pressure on me to be really good in school, it's me. I hate having bad grades and my standards for good grades are pretty high. I want to be as good as last year, no, I want to be better, but that's hard. And tiring. I am always nervous that what I am doing isn't enough.
I think it's good to put pressure on yourself to reach your goals and achieve what you want to achieve. But how much pressure is okay? How much pressure is healthy? These are questions that I am constantly asking myself, and this is my theory:

Doing homework and preparing for tests schould not take up more time than your free time. (School is left out of this, as it is obligetory)
You should have enough time to do the things that you want to do, and not get hooked up on school too much.
At the same time, school should be taken seriously, in my opinion, so there has to also be some time dedicated to preparing for it.
You just have to find a balance between the two, which I try my very best at.

So what about you? Do you agree, or do you have a completely different opinion? 

Feel free to comment below!



  1. Those are some really great tips, thanks! Like you, I also feel pressured at times, and stressed if I get a bad gradd. But it's true, I shouldn't get too hooked up on school. :)

    1. Thank you! Yes school isn't everything, even if the teachers make us think so

  2. Thanks for sharing this blog! I agree I've always had a hard time balancing school and free time and now that I'm out of school balancing work life and social life and me time just never seems to pan out the way I hope it to.

    Thanks again for sharing! Loving your blog by the way, ever hear of Tackk? Awesome social tool that I see a lot of teens using and it's free. Could be good exposure for you! When you have a sec, check out and let me know what you think.

    1. Thanks so much! It's hard to balance things, you're right. And I will check out, thanks for the tip!

  3. This is great, thanks for sharing these tips! :)

    - Bisma


  4. I know what you mean: I am generally a good student too, and I put a lot of pressure on myself sometimes to do well. We're graded out of 10, and I usually consider 8.5/10 a fail haha :) But it's all fun and games. Great post! I agree we should never get too obsessed with school though. After all, a grade is just a number on a piece of paper.

    x Yasmine//Cloudy
