Monday, September 28

I'm that girl

I'm that girl…

…who hides her shyness behind self-humour.

…who is too different to be mainstream but too mainstream to be different.

…who thinks about doing stuff more than actually doing it.

…who holds on too tight but dreams of something new.

…who shares all her feelings, but still cries herself to sleep sometimes.

…who would rather agree than disagree.

…who seems to have her stuff together  but is actually an emotional wreck.

…who is scared of her future but can't wait for it.

…who catches herself saying what others want to hear.

…who wants to be noticed but doesn't want to be judged.

Who are you?


  1. I love all these contradictions because they seem so real. Too different to be mainstream but too mainstream to be different. Who would agree rather than disagree. Sounds about right.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Thank you! Yes, I seem to be very contradictory…

  2. This was fun to read. I asked myself if I was that girl too I seem to be like in a lot of ways.

  3. I'm the girl who takes pictures but wants to be in them, I want to live my life like a movie, but i'm too afraid to be that bold, i live inside my head where i'm able to be daring and adventurous, I prefer rainy days to the sunny ones...and i love myself for it all.
